Saturday, September 30, 2006


It may be important to mention that even though I wage a heap of criticism upon the U.S. government, I believe very strongly that America, as a nation and idea, is the best hope for this world. The United States is the single most powerful entity in the history of the world and we have acted with a restraint and benevolence never before witnessed in human history. Most of the countries on this fragile planet are governed by tyrannical strongmen whose level of corruption and greed are far greater than that of our own leaders and if given the type of power we hold, would rape and pillage this world for worse than Haliburton has. Tribal and religious warfare wages throughout the third world and Asia, where often immigration is severely restricted (as in Japan where there is NO immigration). While Europeans like to sit around and pass judgment on our humble gathering of colonies, it is worth mentioning that Spain, England, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany and all the rest were not so kind to their neighbors (or the rest of the world) when they had their moment in the sun. Crusades? Spanish "discovery" of the New World? Roman Empire? African Colonialism? Third Reich? Anytime someone comes looking for Jews on that continent they are ready to hand them over in the blink of an eye. Today Muslims throughout the EU are treated as second class citizens generations after first settling there, kept separated in ghettos and not afforded equal rights under the law.
The United States, with all its problems, is the greatest melting pot of ethnicities, races, and cultures on this planet and for the most part we exist in peace within these borders. Nowhere else on the planet is this true. Nowhere.

But I still think George W. Bush sucks.

1 comment:

mrj said...

agreed sir. again, good to see your words.