Tuesday, August 29, 2006

is wireless internet on your flight to Korea. You use Skype to phone home via
the internet just so you can have this conversation:

calling from the plane!”

everything okay?”

– isn’t this cool? I’m using the plane’s wireless internet to call you. How do
I sound?”

I guess. Sort of chopped up.”

what are you doing?”

you believe I’m calling you from the plane using the internet?”

Sam says. “I can’t.”

"So what are you doing?"
"I'm flying over the Pacific."
"I realize that."
"This is wild."
And on and on.


Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Have read your blog for a while now, months, perhaps since March? Not certain. Noticed you slowed down a bit and hope all is well. Thanks for writing. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Dude, did your dad's roof fall on your head? Where the hell are you? Get your bum back here and write dammit! The crowd demands more!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, we tried to do this the nice way. But, you have refused to listen to us. So, we must take action. From here on out, your following posts will come from us. The first is to follow. We did give you a chance you know...

Anonymous said...

your next post:

today, i watched a bit of the tele and to my shock i saw the man, the man, and he was talking about this and that when it hit me, this guy, he was the guy you know, the leader of the free world, he .. he.. he talked like he was from texas ... seriously brutha from anutha hope you are well. I'm a fan and miss your bloggin' and froggin'. not sure at all what that means, just to say, hurry back please. :p laters.